Pregnancy Wheel app good for
Excuse the pun, but all those other apps have been trying to reinvent the OB wheel. The maker of this app has recognized the advantage of using that old simple paper wheel and has simply recreated it digitally. Its super simple but like the old paper wheels shows a ton of info at a glance. Excellent app and well worth the price. Thanks for making this.
The best part of this wheel is that
All the info you need is on the same screen as your input, when you scroll to enter LMP, you see the EDD, gestational age, gestational age at a certain date (very important when you know she had a certain test done on a certain date and you want to know what gestational age that date was), which trimester etc etc... ALL on the same screen. Therefore there is no need to push an extra button to get to the next screen to access the info you need. Im doing my Ob rotation and time is important. I needed something that took the least amount of button pushing to get the job done. I had the free app listed here on iTunes before purchasing this and it erroneously states that LMP as Last Missed Period. As far as I know our clinic uses LMP as Last Missed period. Therefore the free app you get from iTunes store gives you the wrong info.
As a physician, I can say this is very handy and well done. Good job.
The wheel works great. However, the ticks on the wheel arent accurate. The only time this would be an issue is if you wanted wanted to figure out a due date based on a gestational date by a previous ultrasound or a visit. If that function is there, this app would completely replace the "analog" wheel.
This app comes closer than any Ive seen to implementing the manual cardboard version of the obstetric dating wheel on iPhone visually and graphically. Well done!
Some bad moments
I work at a ob/gyn, thought this would be better then the wheel, omg no!!! Takes way longer to figure the wheel, and it skips dates and hard to get it on ur exact date.